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In collaboration with colleagues of other institutions we have created a series of open source materials for Spanish for Heritage Speakers.


The Center for Open Educational Resources for Language Learning:


The Center for Open Educational Resources for Language Learning has given Associate Professor Dr. Munia Cabal Jiménez (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures) a Badge as "OER Master Creator" for her contribution to the "Empowering Learners of Spanish (ELS) collection.


ELS is a collection of activities based on critical pedagogies, and it serves to introduce students to a range of concepts in sociolinguistics and critical inquiry into language ideologies. ELS is published by the Center for Open Education Resources for Language Learning (COERLL) at the Univesity of Texas at Austin and it is funded by the U.S. Department of Education.


This collection of activities has reached more than 250 students per year in institutions such as Western Illinois University, University of Oregon, in addition to K-12 workshops in Illinois, Oregon, Texas and Iowa. At WIU, these activities are used to teach SPAN 320 "Spanish for Heritage Speakers" in both campuses. These activities have also allowed to fully teach this class using Open Source materials, at no cost to WIU students.


You can see this activities at the CriSoL Project website:















Hispanic Linguistic Symposium 2019:


In a collaborative effort, both Western Illinois University and University of California at Riverside, with SOCALAB presented the workshop titled "Creando caminos para la diversidad lingüística: Implementación práctica de pedagogías crtíicas e inclusivas para hablantes de herencia de español".


(Pictured in the photo, from right to left: Dr. Claudia Holguín Mendoza, Master students M. Villazón, M. Gutiérrez and M. Soto and Dr. Munia Cabal Jiménez).

Workshop 1.jpg
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